Meeker Field
(Composite Family)

Achillea - Erigeron

Characteristics of the Asteraceae (Pesman, 1992):

Dicot.  Flowers are very small and crowded into compact heads resembling a single flower.  Two kinds of flowers present:  showy petal-like ray-flowers on the outside of the head, as in sunflowers and daisies; tiny tubular flowers forming the disklike center of the head.  In some members only ray flowers or disk flowers are present.  Flower heads are surrounded by modified leaf-like structures called bracts or phyllaries, called the involucre, which superficially resembles the calyx of other flower types.  Ovary forms a one-seeded fruit called an achene.

Achillea millefolium  (yarrow)

Arnica parryi (Parry's arnica)

Artemisia tridentata (Sagebrush)

Balsamorhiza sagittata (Arrowleaf balsam root)

Carduus nutans (Musk thistle)

Chaenactis douglasii (Douglas false yarrow)

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Rabbit brush)

Cirsium arvense  (Canada Thistle)

Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Green Rabbitbrush)

Cirsium sp. ? tracyi  (thistle)

Erigeron divergens
(Spreading daisy)

Erigeron vetensis (daisy)