Meeker Field
(Pea Family)

Characteristics of the Fabaceae (Pesman, 1992):

Dicot.  Showy flowers irregular with five petals:  uppermost generally largest and called the banner; 2 at the sides called the wings; 2 lower petals joined and folded in a boat-shaped keel which encloses the 10 stamens and simple pistil.  Fruit a one-chambered, several-seeded pod called a legume, such as bean or pea pods.  Herbaceous plants, shrubs or trees with alternate compound leaves, often with stipules.

Astragalus sp., probably A. purshii (Milkvetch)

Lupinus kingii (King's lupine)

Melilotus oficinalis (Yellow sweet clover)

Astragalus sp.

Trifolium gymnocarpon

Hedysarum boreale  (Utah sweetvetch)

Astragalus coltonii  (milkvetch)

Medico sativa (alfalfa)