Essentials of Modern Physics
introduction for high school students
(and beyond)
Bob Dorsett
Particle collision
at Fermilab. See further information below under link to The Picture.
Last update: 02/17/2025
you will find links to chapters in a text on the essentials of modern physics.
High school instruction in physics misses a lot of the
important stuff. Our standards-based curriculum focuses on
physics prior to 1900. A lot has happened since then, like
relativity, quantum mechanics, and our modern understanding of cosmology. Most students will never take another
physics class, and they -- and the rest of us -- deserve the
opportunity to learn more. I hope this online resource helps.
with links follow, and further down the page you will find links to
other resources as well. No doubt I have made some errors; if you
see any, please let me know.
I hope you enjoy exploring these ideas as much as I have.
to Dr. Dorsett's Home Page
to other resources in modern physics:
- Online Lectures
- Online Articles
- Books
- Journals
to Table
of Contents
The image shows the
particles generated in a high energy collision at Fermilab.
Charged particles curl in the magnetic field in the detector.
The patterns and trajectories help physicists identify the types
of particles and their interactions.
Make the
following equation in Roman
numerals using matchsticks:
| + || + ||| +
|||| =
Move one
matchstick to a new location
in the equation so that the sum equals 4.
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