by Dr. Dorsett's Botany
and Biology Classes
Prince's plume, above Meeker High
School track.
Bob Dorsett.
In the catalog below, flowers are organized by
family. Scientific
name is followed by the (common name). This Web site is a
work in
progress. Some flowers remain to be accurately identified,
and more
photographs remain to be taken.
Where there is no photograph, click on the name and follow the link to that plant in Southwest Colorado Wildflowers, a marvelous resource produced by Al Schneider. My other main reference is the USDA Plants Database.
The Town of Meeker lies in the White River Valley, 6300
above sea
level. Climate is dry, winters cold, and vegetation is
typical of
the Foothills Zone. Sandstones and shales dominate the
geology, with
adobe in outwash fans. If you find any plants not listed here,
let me know. Keep your eyes open, and enjoy the search!
Fagan, Damian. 1998. Canyon country wildflowers. Falcon.
Nelson, Ruth A. 1992. Handbook of Rocky Mountain plants. Roberts Rhinehart.
Pesman, Walter M. 1992. Meet the natives. Denver Botanical Gardens / Roberts Rhinehart.
Weber, William A. and Ronald C. Wittmann. 1996. Colorado flora, western slope. University Press of Colorado.
page last updated 02/15/2025